The Importance Of Knowing Your Multiplication Tables

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The Importance Of Knowing Your Multiplication Tables

The Importance Of Knowing Your Multiplication Tables | Aplus Students

Mastering multiplication tables is one of the most effective ways to improve children’s maths programs for schools.  I focus a lot of multiplication tables by making use of flash cards and speed writing. The benefits of improving your child’s maths programs are ten-fold, essentially, you are killing several birds with one stone! It provides a whole-brain development improving, among other things, their memory and fine-motor skills.

A good foundation

Once a child has mastered the times tables and maths programs, they gain a foundation for maths programs in South Africa the rest of their school careers and beyond (given the fact that most university degrees require Maths as a minimum requirement). Children that don’t have a solid grasp of their tables may find other learning areas difficult to grasp and this can cause them to fail and fall behind in these areas too.

Why not just use a calculator?

While a calculator is a great tool to use in school, if your child becomes depended on it to do their work, they will end up relying on it as a crutch even for the most simple of sums. If your child knows their times tables it is possible that they could figure it would even faster that the calculator.  Relying on a calculator can also result in errors in tests and exams. Explaining this to your child will help them butter understand the importance of mastering their tables.

How you can help you child

  • Make sure they understand WHY they need to know their tables and how it will benefit them in future
  • Show interest in maths/multiplication tables yourself – tell your child how mastering them has helped you
  • Involve your child in the goal setting process
  • Use a chart to monitor their progress – reward them when they reach milestones
  • Provide encouragement along the way
  • Spend quality time together practicing

Try this beginners’ activity with them…

Hand out 1x and 10x tables – read them out loud with your child

After a quick spot test, if they successful catch on, give them the 2 x table

Show him or her that they don’t have to learn 1×2 and 10×2 as it is the same as the 1x and 10x tables

Stick these three times table sheets up on your child bedroom wall, ensure they practice reading these out to themselves.

Test them once more by covering the answers

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